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Smirnoff Vodka No. 57

Please be advised that some bottles from an old production of Smirnoff Vodka No. 57 bearing the KSA Dairy symbol are still in circulation. These bottles are certified as Kosher Dairy. The current production of Smirnoff No. 57 bears the KSA Kosher label and is certified as Pareve.

Please note that all Smirnoff products currently produced under the KSA are certified as Pareve, with the exception of Cappuccino, Root Beer Vodka, Root Beer Float and Espresso Vodka, which are certified as KSA Dairy.

As always, the KSA strongly recommends that only alcoholic beverages with proper kosher certification be used, just as with any other kosher-sensitive product.

4 Adar, 5785 March 4, 2025

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