A few weeks ago, my six-year-old daughter did something that greatly upset one of my professional colleagues. At the same time, it made her father enormously proud. It happened when I took her to a television taping. While I answered questions, my daughter chatted with the show’s associate producer, a bright, capable TV veteran I’ve known...Read More
The Bible states that “This may you eat of all that is in the waters: everything that has fins and scales, you may eat. But anything that has no fins and scales, you may not eat.” The Talmud states: “All [fish] that have scales also have fins [and are thus kosher]; but there are [fish] that have fins but...Read More
Company: Physician Formulated Product(s): Probiotic, Testosterone Booster, Hair, Skin & Nails, OMEGA 3 Fish Oil Issue: These products bear an unauthorized KSA Symbol. These products are NOT kosher certified. Corrective measures have been taken. Kashrus Alert – Physician Formulated (1)Read More
The holiday of Shavuot is a two-day holiday, beginning at sundown of the 5th of Sivan and lasting until nightfall of the 7th of Sivan (May 19 – May 21, 2018). In Israel it is a one-day holiday, ending at nightfall of the 6th of Sivan. What Shavuot Commemorates The word Shavuot (or Shavuos) means “weeks.”...Read More
The first two days (sundown of Friday, March 30—sundown Sunday, April 1 and last two days (sundown of Thursday, April 5—Motza’ei Shabbat, April 7) are observed with Shabbat restrictions on work and creative activity, with the exceptions of carrying and the use of fire (with respect to cooking and preparation of food). An erev tavshilin should...Read More
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.