By: Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon, CFO, Kosher Supervision of America We find ourselves in the Shloshim period of the untimely and heartbreaking passing of the head of the OK Kashrus agency. Much has been said and written about the indelible role that Rabbi Don Yoel Levy, z”l, has played in the Kashrus world. Notably, his...Read More
To our valued clients and friends. During these unprecedented and challenging times, there have been many responses and reactions towards the Covid-19. Some companies choose to focus on servicing their existing portfolio, some focus on broadcasting general information and assistance. Here at the KSA we have many different areas that call out to be addressed,...Read More
Company: Romero’s Food Products, Inc. Please be advised Tortillas Produced by: Romero’s Food Products, Inc. are certified Kosher-Pareve by KSA. Inadvertently, a small amount of Tortilla products bear the words KSA Kosher and “Pas Yisroel” affixed to the label. THESE PRODUCTS ARE KOSHER-PAREVE, HOWEVER THEY ARE NOT PAS YISROEL. Corrective measures have been taken.Read More
Company: Bubbie’s Homemade Ice Cream and Desserts Please be advised that there has been a misprint on the following product under the Bubbie’s Ice Cream brand. Bubbies: Strawberry/Triple Chocolate Mochi Please note, this product is KSA-DAIRY, as the DAIRY symbol was inadvertently omitted on some of the packaging. Please contact our office for any...Read More
Daniel Green was an established musician who jammed with blues legend Marc Ford and toured the US when he felt the need to change his day job. Green, with 15 years of experience working in sales in the fashion industry, wanted to be his own boss. Green first had the notion of importing sweet-tasting beers...Read More
Company: Lazy Acres The following item offered for sale in Lazy Acres locations, is not authorized to bear a KSA Kosher symbol. Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups – 20938 Remedial steps have been implemented.Read More
The New Year is approaching…. Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) is more than just a holiday; it is Judgment Day. The heavenly court will be deciding our destiny and determining our fate for the new year, so our wish for each other is that these days of reckoning go well, and that we...Read More
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